Faith Can Move Mountains for us!

Faith Can Move Mountains for us!

In today's world, the concept of faith often feels intangible and elusive. However, as Christadelphians, we believe that faith is a powerful force capable of achieving extraordinary feats. The Bible teaches us that faith can indeed move mountains, a truth that is both spiritually profound and practically applicable in our daily lives.

Understanding the Power of Faith

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus makes a remarkable statement: "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you" (Matthew 17:20, NIV). This verse vividly illustrates the immense power of faith. Though a mustard seed is tiny, its potential to grow into a large tree symbolises how even the smallest amount of true faith can lead to monumental changes.

Biblical Examples of Faith in Action

The Bible is replete with examples where faith has led to miraculous outcomes. Consider the story of Abraham, who is often referred to as the "father of faith." Despite his advanced age and Sarah's barrenness, Abraham believed God's promise that he would become the father of many nations (Genesis 17:4-5). His unwavering faith was counted to him as righteousness (Romans 4:3).

Another powerful example is found in the story of David and Goliath. David's faith in God gave him the courage to face the giant Goliath with just a sling and a stone, leading to an improbable victory (1 Samuel 17:45-50). This story underscores that faith empowers us to confront and overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Faith in Modern Times

While the physical mountains we face today might not be as literal as those mentioned in biblical times, the metaphorical mountains—challenges, obstacles, and hardships—are very real. As Christadelphians, we draw strength from our faith in God's promises and His ultimate plan for humanity.

In our community, we see faith at work in various ways: healing from illnesses, overcoming personal struggles, and fostering unity and love among brethren. When we trust in God's wisdom and timing, we witness His power in our lives, moving the mountains that stand before us.

Cultivating Faith in Daily Life

Faith is not a passive attribute but an active practice. Here are a few ways to cultivate and strengthen your faith:

  1. Prayer: Consistent prayer helps us communicate with God, seek His guidance, and build our trust in His plans.
  2. Scripture Study: Regular reading and meditation on the Bible fortify our understanding and conviction of God's promises.
  3. Community Fellowship: Engaging with fellow believers encourages us and provides a support system to nurture our faith.
  4. Acts of Service: Demonstrating our faith through love and service to others reflects the teachings of Christ and reinforces our belief in God's work through us.


Faith, as described in the Bible, is a transformative power that can indeed move mountains. As Christadelphians, we hold fast to this truth, finding strength and hope in our relationship with God. By nurturing our faith through prayer, scripture study, community, and service, we can witness the incredible ways in which God moves the mountains in our lives. Remember, with faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing is impossible.


By embracing and living out our faith, we not only experience personal transformation but also become beacons of God's love and power in the world. Let us continue to build and exercise our faith, trusting that God will move mountains for us as we walk in His ways.

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